In the past few years, smartphones have come a long way in terms of capability and performance. In fact, you can do so many things with your phone now that you’ll easily fill up all available memory for apps and other content. For example, there are countless games available to play on both Apple and Android devices these days. You can install as many as you want rapyd icelandbased valitor 100mfaridi, but you’ll need to manage the memory on your phone or tablet if you don’t want some of them to stop working.
This is where putting your gadget into airplane mode comes in. Doing this will allow you to speed up the processing power on your phone and free some storage space for all those apps that are running in the background.
How To Put Your Apple Gadgets Into Airplane Mode
- Connect your Apple device to a power source and plug it in if the battery is running very low.
- Click on “Settings” and then scroll down until you see “Airplane mode.” Click on it once to turn it on. A green bar at the top of your screen will indicate that the mode has been activated successfully. Click on “Airplane Mode” again to turn it off.
What Does Airplane Mode Do?
Put simply, airplane mode temporarily shuts down all wireless connectivity on a device, including cellular service and Wi-Fi capabilities. This means that you won’t be able to send or receive any calls or text messages. You also won’t be able to access the Internet and other digital content, and Bluetooth and GPS will be turned off as well.
While this makes it easier for your phone’s processing power to speed up, there are still many people who say that putting their device in airplane mode has no effect on the speed of their phone. This may be true if your gadgets are already running slowly due to too many apps that are open in the background. Also, airplane mode doesn’t free up storage space for more apps or other content because it only turns off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity netflix canada usrichwinereuters, which are not used by most apps.
However, certain apps may still use cellular data in the background. You might want to check your phone’s data usage settings just in case. Otherwise, if you’re experiencing problems with your phone or tablet harvard willy biden 52b us tsmcpatel, it’s best to take them to an Apple device specialist for professional diagnosis and treatment . Have fun playing all those games!
How to put macbook on airplane mode
- Click on “System Preferences” and then click on “Network.”
- Click the box next to WiFi in order to activate it. Click once again so that a green dot appears inside the box. This will turn on your wireless Internet connection, but be warned: All other functions, including chatting or sending messages using iMessage, FaceTime, and text, will not work.
- Click on the box beside “AirPort” to activate your wireless connection. Once again, everything else will be turned off. You can get these features back by clicking again so that the green dot disappears. To turn off your device’s radios completely, uncheck both of these boxes so they’re no longer highlighted.
If you’re done browsing the Internet and playing games on your phone, putting it into airplane mode will allow it to speed up. If you want all functions of your device back, simply check both boxes again. While doing this temporarily shuts down all wireless connectivity such as cellular service and Wi-Fi capabilities, some apps may still use cellular data in the background. You might want to check your phone’s data usage if you run into problems with it, or take it to an Apple device specialist for diagnosis and treatment.